OBD2 Technischer Service

How to Check Autel Device Model ?

How to Check Autel Device Model ?

Launch X431 IMMO Plus vs IMMO Elite vs X431 V+ vs PAD VII

Launch X431 Xprog3 with GIII is used to program Benz/BMW/VAG/Porsche keys and clone or replace ECU/TCU modules.What's the difference among Launch X431 IMMO Plus,IMMO Elite,X431V+ and X431 PAD VII with Xprog3 ?

How to activate a brand new CG100 Prog tool ?

CG100-airbag tool exclusively designed to read Tricore MCU’s over CAN-bus.Supports Read/Write EEPROM function for secured and non-secured SAC-TC1766 SAC-TC1767 SAC-TC1796 SAC-TC1797 microcontrollers.comes with Mileage, DPF, ECU system time, ISN built-in calculators.Edit CRC Eeprom. Here is the steps to active the machine

How to Register and Active CGDI CG100X

CGDI CG100X Registration and Activation Steps , by following this steps there is no problems on software registration and activation.
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