K518 PRO, 2nd generation product of K518, is a versatile key programming device released by Lonsdor, designed specifically for the technician and locksmiths. Integrated with all functions and features of its predecessor, this tablet device shows more advantages and functionality, including immobilization, odometer adjustment, remote/smart key generate, adaptor, chip identify and copy, key chip generate, remote frequency detect, ignition coil detect, Toyota smart key settings, one-key update, push function and etc.
2 Years Free Update
Global Version
Lonsdor LKE Smart Key Emulator=SKE-LT Smart Key Emulator 4pcs+ SKE-LT-DSTAES 128 Bit Smart Key Emulator 1pc
It supports functions such as collect data(sent from automobile ignition coil) to detect the coil fault and decode car keys; simulate key chip(4D and 46 chip are supported currently, more chip types to be continued). It’s lightweight and convenient, and can match all the vehicle models with 4D or 46 chip by working with K518.
KPROG2 Adapter for Lonsdor K518ISE Key Programmer,you can get it for backup or replacement.
Second Year Update Subscription for Lonsdor K518S Basic Version
Lonsdor FT08 PH0440B Update Version of FT11-H0410C 312/314 MHz Toyota Smart Key PCB Frequency Switchable
Lonsdor K518ISE Third Time Subscription of 1 Year Full Update
If you purchase Lonsdor K518S and first 2 year update subscription. You can order this update subscription after 30 months.
Lonsdor K518ISE Second Time Subscription of 1 Year Full Update
With this service, you can use Lonsdor K518S full functions and update software for free lifetime.
The smart key can be applied to the following three types of smart keys: FT01-0020-P4, FT01-2110-P4 and FT01-2110-P4.
Lonsdor K518ISE is an universal key programmer for all makes from Europe, America, Asia and China, also it can perform odometer adjustment for some makes. Its nice features are built-in Volkswagen 4th 5th adapter & RFID transponder reader / writer, program Toyota/Lexus smart key all key lost via OBD and free BMW FEM key programming (for all keys lost, enter 32-bit ISN code).
Lonsdor K518ISE Key Programmer Plus LKE Smart Key Emulator 5 in 1 is full package of Lonsdor K518ISE which covers all the functions at present.
You can get 2pcs Free Lonsdor FT01 Series (#2110 Board) Toyota Smart Key.
First Year Update Subscription for Lonsdor K518S After 1-Year Free Use
Lonsdor FT08-H0440C 433.58/434.42 Toyota Smart Key PCB
OBD Main Test Cable for Lonsdor K518ISE Key Programmer,for replacement or backup.
Lonsdor Toyota AKL Online Calculation 1 Year Activation for K518ISE K518S & KH100+.
Support latest Toyota & Lexus smart key all keys lost and add key.
Lonsdor SUPER ADP 8A/4A adapter is used to work with Lonsdor K518 series to do smart key programming for TOYOTA/Lexus (2017-2021) without PIN & TOYOTA AKL license.
It supports MIN. 90% Toyota/Lexus(up to 2021)smart key programming without AKL license.
Lonsdor Smart Key for 2018-2021 Land Rover Jaguar 315MHz/433MHz
Lonsdor JLR connector for 2015-2018 Land Rover & Jaguar
Lonsdor K518ISE One Year Update Subscription (For Some Important Update Only) After Trial Period 365 Days
Lonsdor KH100+ is a versatile hand-held smart device, able to access control key, simulate/ generate chip, generate remote (key), detect remote frequency, detect IMMO, unlock Toyota smart key and etc.